Thursday, May 15, 2008

An Open Letter To The US Congress and the Bush Administration

Dear Everyone,

I'm writing to you because I'm severely disappointed with the current plans to save the polar bears. It looks to me like an attempt to placate people by putting the polar bears on the endangered species list, however very little is actually being DONE to help them.

The problem, as I see it, is that the bears are being severely affected by melting of the sea ice, as brought on by global warming. Merely adding the bears to the endangered species list is not going to change much, if that is the case. In fact, it seems that they way to protect their habitat needs to STRONGLY focus on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

Perhaps enacting ways to tax people and businesses that have higher emissions would be a good way to encourage people to cut back. For instance, your average SUV emits far more greenhouse gases than a small car. Thus, perhaps SUV owners should be taxed on the extra emissions. For that matter, there are plenty of businesses that, I'm sure, could cut back emissions if properly encouraged. I've heard wal-mart has recently devised a way to DOUBLE the gas efficiency of their trucking fleet. Imagine if all trucking fleets were expected to do the same, and soon! Unfortunately, the rising gas prices do not seem to be enough, but the taxes on SUVs (or businesses or whatever) could then go to enhance our public transit within the country, which is abysmal at best for the vast majority of the US.

As I'm sure you know, things are going to have to change in our country if we have any hope of curbing a global crisis, of which the polar bears are only the "tip of the iceberg".


Your Friends at Freaktopia

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