Sunday, October 19, 2008

Michael Pollan's Open Letter to the Next President of the US

From the NY Times

It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food.

I urge you to read it. Everyone should know about this.

Thank you Michael Pollan. It needed to be said!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hard Economic Times a Good Thing?

With all the panic going on surrounding the current state of the world economy, I just have to throw this idea out there. Maybe the changes we'll be looking at will be good. It'll be good for Americans to re-examine our outrageously wasteful way of life and start living a bit more sustainably. Learning some restraint instead of just buying things on a whim will not only be character building, but also helpful to reduce the amount of waste we produce as a society.

Will it hurt? Yeah, probably some people will have a very rough time learning to live differently. Especially those of us who might eat out many times a week or who think being frugal means buying whatever you want as long as it's on sale. My hope is, however, that we'll come out of this experience stronger than we went in.