Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weaning Off Paper Towels

About 6 months ago I began weaning our family off of paper towels. My problem was thus:
  1. Paper towels are easy - I needed something easy
  2. Paper towels don't get gross over time, because you throw them away immediately - I needed something I could cycle through quickly
  3. Paper towels are not hard to acquire - I needed something easy to acquire
Soooooooo... instead of going the "normal" washcloth route, I instead chose to go with something that was free, easily available, in which I had no feeling of investment, and was small. I chose ... [insert drum roll here]... old t-shirts. Oh, wait, I said small, didn't I. Well, here's what I did. I took said old t-shirts and cut them up into 6 inch squares (give or take). I then stuck them in a basket on my counter where they'd be easily accessible and obvious. I use them as I would use paper towels - generally one or two wipes and then into the basket. The difference is that the basket that these go into is a laundry basket instead of a garbage. Then when I run out (or get close) I run the wash. No biggie since we've switched to cloth napkins and were frequently washing bibs and washcloths from the kids and dish towels anyway. There you have it. My perfect solution to the gross washcloth *ahem* paper towel problem.